You have just returned from deployment somewhere like Iraq or Afghanistan. Your tour of duty is over. You will never return to combat because you are being separated from the military much earlier than you expected. You have dreams of spending time with family, getting a good job, pursuing viable and sustainable employment, and going on with your life.
Then the day comes, and you are a civilian again. You begin your job search… and start to realize that there are no jobs for you. In the military you drove a multimillion-dollar tank, did logistics for a squadron of ships, or performed maintenance on a sophisticated jump jet. Now, the only jobs that are available are the occasional security guard and janitorial position, for which you are vastly overqualified. Worse yet, these jobs don't pay anywhere near enough to enable you to support your family. Maybe you were combat wounded, need to go to regular medical appointments, and can’t stand for long periods. All this makes the job hunt that much harder.
Soon, your severance pay runs out. You only had about 9 months anyway. Your family is in danger of becoming homeless because you can’t pay your rent. Or perhaps you can scrape together enough for rent, but that leaves you with no money for food.
And still there are no jobs. What are your options? Go to a shelter? Live on the street? Divorce because you can’t provide for your family? Hopelessness? Despair?
This is the plight of over 1,000,000 unemployed soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines being ‘separated’ from military service well before their contract date. Some of them planned on making the military their lifelong career, and now they are left with nothing of the investment of time, sweat, and blood.
You can make a difference in their lives! There is an alternative to the losing battle of job hunting, a battle these veterans were never trained for.
Your donation will set a veteran on the road to business ownership and self-reliance! Veterans need more than a push in the right direction. They need to be guided in the right direction, and connected to resources like housing, food, and mental health services in addition to their career development as a business owner. These combined resources help them avoid the despair that leads to drug use, homelessness, and sometimes incarceration.
You can stop veteran homelessness, and keep our veterans from becoming welfare statistics! Veterans also need to repair their credit. They need business plans. They need access to small business loans. And they need continuous support to go from hopelessness to success, profitability and beyond.
You can be their hero! By donating as little as $25, you can provide the services veterans need to become successful entrepreneurs, keep families together, and prevent veterans from being reduced to standing at the end of an off-ramp with a sign declaring their plight and begging for change.
Donate now! By supporting just one veteran, you will enable them to become a business owner, improve the national economy, and provide jobs for other vets.
Our veterans put themselves in harm’s way. They deserve more than the hopeless future that stands before them now.
Donate today, and give back to those who gave so much!
$25 will put a Business Development Curriculum workbook in a veteran participant's hands for one year...
$50 will connect one of our expert Business Development instructors with up to 20 veteran participants...
$100 will sponsor a Business Development Circle of veteran entrepreneurs, including an expert instructor for 3 months...
$250 will provide meeting space for 20 veteran participants for six weeks...
Thank you for your donation!
For more information about supporting us,
please contact us at (888)653-7810
or email us: